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The importance of understanding your features – Dino Čaušević
September 28, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Mjesec septembar završavamo meetupom koji će voditi dugogodišnji ML inžinjer Dino Čaušević.
Dino će nam govoriti o karakteristikama koje su bitne za razumjevanje podataka pri treniranju prediktivnih modela.
Prijave na meetup obavezne putem linka ili na email info@cosmohub.ba.
Broj mjesta je ograničen.
Prijavom na Event osigurajte sebi sljedece benefite koje nudi Google Developer Grupa Sarajevo kao dio Cosmohub zajednice:\
1. Pristup Lab Platformi za prakticni rad na GCP projektima ($300 Vrijednost)
2. Besplatan pristup radionicama i senior mentorship programima
3. Mogucnost izvlacenja poklon vouchera (sa Discountom 50%) za polaganje Profesionalnih Google Cloud Certifikata.
Link za pristup Google pogodnostima navedenim gore: https://bit.ly/3Lzzc7o
Vidimo se u četvrtak!
We are ending the month of September with a meetup led by the experienced ML engineer, Dino Čaušević.
Dino will be discussing the key features necessary for understanding data when training predictive models.
Registration for the meetup is mandatory via the link: https://bit.ly/461ovT8 or by emailing info@cosmohub.ba.
The number of seats is limited.
By registering for the event, you can secure the following benefits offered by the Google Developers Group Sarajevo as part of the CosmoHub community:
1. Access to the Lab Platform for practical work on GCP projects ($300 value).
2. Free access to workshops and senior mentorship programs.
3. The opportunity to receive gift vouchers (with a 50% discount) for taking Professional Google Cloud Certifications.
Link for access Google benefits listed above: https://bit.ly/3Lzzc7o
See you on Thursday!