Currently, our co-working space is open for free trials! We invite you to try and immerse yourself in the new space full of great, future-proof ideas.

CosmoHub Sarajevo: The Perfect Destination for Desk Surfing
Why choose CosmoHub Sarajevo for Desk surfing? CosmoHub Sarajevo offers the perfect combination of work and travel. With a prime location in the heart of the city, you can easily

CosmoHub’s first stargazing night – Why do we look up?
Patience and excitement – perhaps adequate words to vividly explain the atmosphere of the #CosmoNights event on Friday, 22 July 2022. The CosmoHub team, astrophotography, and night sky-gazing enthusiasts spent

Coworking space – what is it and how to benefit from them?
Introduction to coworking space world “Who would’ve thought that coworking would become such a popular thing?” You might have asked yourself this question more than once. And the answer is

Domestic Production Forum held in Sarajevo, CosmoHub coworking space
Izuzetna nam je čast i zadovoljstvo što smo u CosmoHub-u, u četvrtak, 16.6.2022. godine, imali priliku da ugostimo vrijednu ekipu studenata sa Intencionalnog Burch univerziteta i podržimo njihovu organizaciju Foruma

AWS User Group Sarajevo – May 2022 Meetup Held in CosmoHub Coworking Space
Last Friday, we had the honor of hosting the AWS User Group Sarajevo meetup at CosmoHub Coworking, Event & Startup Space. We were extremely pleased to host AWS professionals from

1. Game Dev Summit in Sarajevo, Held in CosmoHub Coworking Space – Industry Could be Better, but What we Succeed to Learn?
Last weekend, CosmoHub coworking space in Sarajevo hosted the team of the Gotiva Games company from Sarajevo, which is involved with the development of games for mobile devices. In their