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Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) – Adnan Mehremić
October 19, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Nakon prvobitnog otkazivanja, najavljujemo ponovno održavanje meetup-a u okviru CosmoHub Data Month-a pod nazivom: “Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs)”, koji će voditi voditi dugogodišnji ML Engineer Adnan Mehremić.
Sa ovog meetupa ćete otići bogatiji za 6 stvari:
- upoznat ćete LLMs – velike jezičke modele koji oblikuju digitalni svijet;
- naučit ćete kako LLM modeli omogućavaju generisanje teksta, slika i drugih medija;
- istražit ćete tehniku treninga i prilagođavanja ovih modela za različite zadatke;
- razumjet ćete primjenu ove tehnologije u stvarnom svijetu u oblastima kao što su jezik, medicina, marketing i umjetnost;
- razgovarat ćemo i o etičkim pitanjima i odgovornosti u korištenju ovih alata;
- na kraju, razmotrićemo kako će ova tehnologija oblikovati budućnost gdje otvaramo prostor za pitanja i diskusiju.
Pridružite nam se da istražimo svijet LLM-ova!
Prijave su obavezne ili putem mail-a na info@cosmohub.ba.
Broj mjesta ograničen!
After the initial cancellation, we announce the rescheduling of a meetup as part of the CosmoHub Data Month, titled “Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs),” which will be led by the experienced ML Engineer Adnan Mehremić.
From this meetup, you will leave with six takeaways:
- You will get acquainted with LLMs – large language models that shape the digital world.
- You will learn how LLM models enable the generation of text, images, and other media.
- You will explore the techniques for training and customizing these models for various tasks.
- You will understand the practical applications of this technology in fields such as language, medicine, marketing, and art.
- We will also discuss ethical issues and responsibilities in the use of these tools.
- Finally, we will consider how this technology will shape the future, opening space for questions and discussions.
Join us in exploring the world of LLMs!
Registrations are mandatory either via email at info@cosmohub.ba.
Limited seats available!